Of Family & Legacy
Of Family & Legacy
Of Family & Legacy - Detail

We speak to the family behind Unique Seafood Group of Restaurants to find out what sets them apart.

In the bustling heart of Kuala Lumpur, where the aroma of fresh seafood mingles with the city's vibrant energy, lies a culinary empire built on passion, dedication and a commitment to excellence. Celebrating 24 years of culinary mastery, Unique Seafood Group stands as a testament to the vision and perseverance of its founders, Datuk Wong Keong Fook and Datin Kok Yoke Sim.

The journey of Unique Seafood Group began with humble origins. Datuk Wong and Datin Kok, hailing from Ipoh, embarked on their entrepreneurial venture armed with little more than a shared dream and a determination to succeed. Arriving in Kuala Lumpur with their newborn baby, they initially entered the seafood industry as suppliers to hotels and restaurants. However, their ambition soon led them down a path of innovation and distinction.

Indeed, what sets Unique Seafood apart is not only the quality of its offerings but also its commitment to innovation. As Datuk Wong explains, "We realized early on that there was a gap in the market and that to succeed in the competitive restaurant industry, we needed to differentiate ourselves. That's why we made the bold decision to import exotic seafood, such as sturgeon from China and Alaskan crab, becoming pioneers in the Malaysian market."

Of Family & Legacy - Detail

The first Unique Seafood restaurant, nestled along Jalan Imbi, faced initial challenges before relocating to Petaling Jaya, where it flourished. Guided by a philosophy of offering unparalleled quality at reasonable prices, Unique Seafood quickly gained a loyal following. The decision to name the restaurant "Unique" was deliberate, reflecting the diverse array of seafood on offer and the commitment to excellence that defines the brand. 

"When we named our restaurant 'Unique,' we wanted to convey the message that our restaurant was truly one-of-a-kind," explains Datuk Wong. "We wanted to make people curious about our menu and invite them to experience something they never thought they could."

Over the years, Unique Seafood Group has expanded its culinary footprint, now boasting four distinct establishments. From the elegance of Atlantic Seafood Restaurant to the familial warmth of Pantai Seafood Restaurant, each venue offers a unique dining experience tailored to its patrons. The main branch – Unique Seafood PJ23 – caters to the working crowd, handling annual dinners for companies in a more casual setting. The Elite Grand Ballroom, on the other hand, offers a banquet-style experience ideal for hosting large company dinners and weddings. Across all locations, the grand stand of aquariums, brimming with live seafood, remains a star attraction, inviting guests to select the freshest ingredients for their meal.

Of Family & Legacy - Detail

Behind the scenes, Datuk Wong focuses on business development and seafood sourcing, while Datin Kok oversees operations and management. Together, they have nurtured a family business that extends beyond blood ties to encompass a dedicated team committed to excellence. That said, perhaps the most compelling aspect of Unique Seafood Group's story is the family behind the business. With five children in tow, Datuk Wong and Datin Kok have instilled in them a passion for the culinary arts and a commitment to excellence.

The next generation of the Wong family stands poised to carry forward the legacy of Unique Seafood Group. Eldest son Ken oversees the supply chain and food production, ensuring that only the finest ingredients grace the restaurant's tables. Daughter Charlotte, with her background in interior design, has ventured into her own enterprise while leaving her mark on the aesthetic appeal of the restaurants.

Of Family & Legacy - Detail

Yet, it is Abby and Alex Wong who have embraced their roles within the family business with fervour and determination. With Atlantic Seafood Restaurant under their stewardship, they embody the spirit of innovation and adaptation that has defined Unique Seafood's success. Abby's focus on sales and marketing complements Alex's expertise in operations, forming a dynamic duo poised to lead the company into the future.

"Our parents have always been our guiding light," reflects Alex Wong, Operations Director of Unique Seafood Group. "They've taught us the value of hard work, perseverance, and above all, family."

For Abby Wong, Sales & Marketing Director of Unique Seafood Group, the journey has been one of profound personal growth and fulfillment. "Following in my parents' footsteps and becoming an F&B Restaurateur has been one of the best decisions of my life," she shares. "It's allowed me to pursue my passion for business development and marketing while honouring my family's legacy."

Of Family & Legacy - Detail

As they look ahead, they envision a future where Unique Seafood continues to thrive, expanding its reach while maintaining its commitment to quality and service. Their parents' retirement dreams are within reach, thanks to the foundation laid and the vision of those yet to come.

"In the years ahead, I see Alex and I continuing to expand and innovate, always striving to uphold the standards of quality and service that define Unique Seafood," says Abby. "Our parents have worked tirelessly to build this legacy, and it's our privilege and responsibility to carry it forward."

In the bustling metropolis of Kuala Lumpur, amidst the swirl of flavours and the clink of glasses, Unique Seafood Group stands as a beacon of culinary excellence—a testament to the enduring legacy of family, passion, and innovation. As the sun sets on another day, the Wong family's journey continues, guided by a shared commitment to excellence and a love for the art of seafood cuisine.

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