Juice Up Your Health
Juice Up Your Health
Juice Up Your Health - Detail

Detoxification has many positive health effects, including boosting the immune system and reducing the risk of developing diseases.

Toxins, which are harmful substances that we are exposed to through water, food and environmental sources, affect the proper functioning of our organs. Which is why, detoxifying the body is essential to maintaining good health. Toxin elimination is important for preserving mental clarity as well as preventing health issues like lethargy, insomnia, excess weight, backaches and digestive disorders. Here is a collection of quick and easy detox juice recipes. All you need to do is put everything in a blender or juicer, blend and drink!

Green goodness

If you want to increase your daily consumption of greens, blend two green apples, one cup parsley, one cup spinach and a cucumber. This healthy concoction is packed with nutrients such as vitamin K from parsley and cucumber, vitamin B from green apple as well as iron, folate and potassium from spinach. 

Ideal detox

The main ingredient in this detox juice is a bunch of dill. Dill is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and it also has trace amounts of important minerals like manganese, iron and magnesium. In addition to being a rich source of calcium, dill is also beneficial to the immune system. Mix the dill with four carrots, one lemon and an apple. Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, while apples and lemons are packed with vitamin C. Lemons also work as a mild cleanser, which help restore the body’s internal equilibrium.

Beet it!

With this mixture, you can reap the anti-oxidant benefits of beet without having to put up with its overpowering taste. Simply blending together three celery stalks, two carrots, one beet, one green apple, 1cm ginger and half of a lemon is all that is required to make this healthy juice with a flavour that is easy on the palate.

Fresh potion

This juice supports the digestive system and aids in the discharge of toxins and the reduction of body heat. Ginger, cucumber and apple come together to make a tasty and energising juice that is good for detoxing, especially in our hot and humid weather. The ginger gives the drink a spicy kick, while the freshness of the cucumber pairs beautifully with the sweetness of the apple.

Anti-Inflammatory tonic

This detox juice recipe contains potent ingredients that can help reduce inflammation. Turmeric and ginger, two of the most effective anti-inflammatory ingredients, are combined to create a nutrient-dense beverage. All you need to do is blend 1cm fresh ginger, 2cm fresh turmeric, three celery stalks, four carrots, an orange and half of a lemon.


• Juice is best consumed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning to maximise nutrient absorption.

• Consume your juice as soon as possible because the nutrients are depleted by oxygen contact. If you want to drink later, store the juice in the fridge in a dark glass air-tight container.

• Before you take a sip, give your juice a good shake so that you’re drinking an even mixture of everything.

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