Exercise For Mental Health
Exercise For Mental Health
Exercise For Mental Health - Detail

Exercise is essential for your overall health, including your mental well-being.

According to scientific research, three 45-minute workouts per week (135 minutes total) are enough to enhance mental health and fight depression. The best part is that being active does not necessarily involve sports or the gym. Find the physical activity that works best for you. You can count any action that elevates your heart rate, makes you breathe faster, and makes you feel warmer exercise.

PUSH-UPS To perform a proper push-up, you must first know how to do it correctly. Plank your body, keeping your back and arms straight. When you push up and down, make sure your elbows are bent to a 90-degree angle every time. Do two sets of push-ups two to three times a week. Push-ups for women should be performed for four to eight repetitions every set, while for men the goal should be 10 to 15. When you do push-ups, your concentration, productivity, creativity, and capacity to communicate all improve. This is in addition to the obvious benefits of increasing your heart health.

RUNNING After receiving a diagnosis of ADHD, a documentary photographer named Martin Eberleen discovered that jogging was the most beneficial form of exercise for him. In an interview with BBC News, he said, “Running helps me control my thoughts, it slows me down and gives me the opportunity to focus on the things I need to focus on.” In addition, a review article that was published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health came to the conclusion that “overall, studies suggest that running bouts of variable lengths and intensities, and running interventions can improve mood and mental health.”

WALKING Cardiovascular activity, which improves heart health while also burning calories, should be a part of every fitness regimen. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be done anywhere, at any time, with only a pair of comfortable shoes. Even a 10-minute walk at a vigorous pace improves mental clarity, stamina, and positive mood.

LEG SQUATS Stand in a position in which your feet are somewhat more apart from your hips than normal. Your arms extended forward in front of you. The next step is to gradually lower yourself as if you were going to sit down until you achieve a 90-degree angle. If you want to descend even further, you can do so. Then return to your starting point. Repeat 15 times for two sets. This exercise isn’t just for the legs as it also targets the hips and knees.

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